Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Sometimes nothing goes right

There isn't much you can do sometimes except roll with the punches. 

I've been sick which makes every little snag seem amplified. All I really want to do is sleep and get better but I have obligations I need to meet.  Nothing becomes more frustrating than forcing yourself to work on a project only to run into problem after problem. 

Screws.  When did screws get so cheap that the heads strip with a properly fitted bit and minimum torquing? 

Hardware finishes.  What is the point if they have no protective quality?

This all kind of makes me think of a quote Nikola Tesla said of Thomas Edison, "His method was inefficient in the extreme, for an immense ground had to be covered to get anything at all unless blind chance intervened and, at first, I was almost a sorry witness of his doings, knowing that just a little theory and calculation would have saved him 90 percent of the labor."

Lately with nothing going right, I have been thinking of exiting the guitar making business.  I can't say that it has brought me any closer to financial bliss.  This has never been about the money though.   I wanted to do something I enjoy.

However, I am not even close to breaking even on this venture.  The cost of tooling up and maintaining equipment has far outweighed any sort of commission I have made.

Additionally, I don't appreciate all of the problems falling into my lap.  And worse than having to deal with problems, other than my own, is being treated like I am incompetent.  Absolutely no benefit of the doubt has been made. 

No confidence in my work.  No communication until some arbitrary deadline has been missed. 

None of this matters though.  It is ultimately all my fault. 

I am no longer enjoying this. 

Well consider this the straw that broke the camel's back.  I am done rolling with the punches.  I am done accepting blame for things that are just out of my control. 

I guess I have some thinking to do.