Saturday, June 25, 2011

Guitar updates...

It has been a little while since I last posted.

I had the chance to install a Fernandes Sustainer FS401 into a guitar.  There are a lot pros and cons to this unit.  The sound is obviously the big pro.  However, I was not too happy with the quick disconnect clips for the electronics.  I found it easier to snip them all off and solder the wires directly to the board.  I have a whole lot more I could say about the unit, but I will reserve my thoughts until I have dealt with them a bit more (which it looks like is going to happen in the future).
I also completed a 12 position varitone prototype a few weeks ago.  It had 12 positions and each position had 2 inductor settings.  It was really educational.  I don't think in the future I'd use a 12 position switch as a lot of the positions sounded so similar it was almost silly.  Additionally, I liked the lower induction values as they had a stronger effect on the sound.  Perhaps that is why Wah pedals typically use something in the 500mH range.  The inductance values I went with were approximately 1.5H and 6H.

Today I entered the world of high quality tuners as well.  I decided it is time to really step from a few decent tuners (Korg and Boss) to a Peterson VSF StroboFlip.  It should be here this coming week.  I just couldn't bring myself to buying it from the local Sam Ash after overhearing a conversation between a new to guitar customer and the employee trying (and succeeding) to sell the maintenance package on a guitar.

I will summarize by saying that the clerk fabricated a lot of things just to sell this maintenance package.  This isn't the first time I have heard Sam Ash employees just spouting off without any real knowledge.  This all reminds me to start doing some DIY posts so hopefully people will get educated and know that doing your own maintenance work is not impossible or even difficult.

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