Friday, July 27, 2012

Callaham upgrades for a Les Paul and a Japanese 70's RI Stratocaster

I've been ogling the products on Callaham's website for some time now and finally I took the plunge. 

I bought the ABR-1 conversion for a Nashville bridge, a vintage telecaster bridge (which will find its way onto one of my many telecasters), and a vintage Stratocaster bridge for my 70's RI. 

I expected the Gibson conversion to be a bit more involved than the Fender due to the Fender parts being screwed in and the Callaham ABR-1 bushings being 1 piece press in. 

However, things aren't always as they seem.

I went online and say a nifty trick for removing the bushings from a Gibson involving a small screw in the bushing hole.  However, I also saw some posts about people being able to pull the bushings by hand. 

Deciding to test my strength, I attempted to pull the bushings out by hand with the stud screwed in almost all of the way. 

Believe it or not, they came out.  I'm not going to say it was easy, but I was able to remove them without any sort of mechanical assistance!

The new bushings came with a plastic sleeve that protects the threaded post of the bushing.  I tapped the new bushings in with a plastic headed mallet.  They went in easily and the new bridge was installed in a matter of moments. 

At first I didn't really notice too much of a change in how the guitar felt.  And then I started lowering the tailpiece which previously was up pretty high due to the wider Nashville bridge.  That made a huge difference!

Now the guitar really just resonates in an amazing way! 

While I was taking apart the Gibson, I also replaced the cheap locking strap buttons on it with some smaller Gibson style buttons.  They aren't for gigging, but they will keep the strap on for recording and casual playing. 

I expected things to go just as easily with the Strat.  I had some big plans for it.  I was going to replace the 70's style F tuners with modern vintage style tuners from Gotoh, replace the string tree with a modern roller string tree, and replace the entire bridge assembly with the new Callaham bridge.

The pickups had already been changed out for a set of Angeltone pickups and the nut is brass.  Another thing on the list of things to do was to replace the electronics with the correct value pots.  The current pots are 500k miniature pots.  I'd like to install 250k pots, perhaps a .1 uf no load tone control, and MAYBE a varitone. Anyway, that is a bit further down the road. 

I should have known things weren't going to go as planned when the new screws for the bridge were about 1/4 to 1/2" longer than the original screws.  Sure I could use the original hardware, but that hardly seems like fun.  Now I need to drill the holes a bit deeper into the body for the bridge mounting. 

Additionally, when I went to install the replacement tuners, the old bushings didn't fit and the new bushings were too small.  I ordered conversion bushings and am currently awaiting their arrival. 

One thing that did work out really nicely is that I had a caliper handy to measure the bushing holes to verify their diameter as well as a screwdriver which conveniently had a 10mm shaft which made knocking out the current bushings super easy!

Now the waiting game, but at least I have a really great playing Gibson to keep me company!

Companies to do business with and to avoid

I will update this list as I deal with more companies and I will try to specify my reasoning for placing them in whatever list I do.  

The Good companies to deal with:

Morley Effects - They went above and beyond to keep my 70's Tel-Ray effects working by sending me LDR's for FREE when I was willing to pay!

Antique Electronic Supply - I had a problem with a tube socket in the past which I broke when I attempted to bend the solder tabs (like the old sockets allow for).  I called explaining that they should warn that the new sockets were incapable of having the solder tabs bent as the material was brittle.  They called me back and told me they were shipping me a new socket at no charge and that they would try and get better quality sockets.  Additionally, there is always a person there who you can call and get a real update about what is in stock and not.

Warmoth Guitar Parts - Pleasant to deal with on the phone!  Real people and real pictures of the actual product you are buying!

Acme Guitar Works - Very fast shipping and an excellent website which lets you know what is actually in stock. 

Specialty Guitars - They have the fastest shipping I have ever experienced.  I ordered on a weekend and 10 minutes later, I had a shipping confirmation.  Their website also lets you know exactly what is in stock which I appreciate.  Additionally, they give you a heavy pick taped to your sales order.  Sure I don't use heavy picks, but it is just a nice gesture!

Line 6 - I had repaired a friends rack mounted pod some years back.  They sent me a free replacement part. 

Ruger - I had sent back my Ruger Mark III Competition Target model due to a pin in the mainspring housing shifting into the grip frame.  They took the pistol back on their dime and replaced the grip frame.  Additionally, they sent back all of my aftermarket parts in a bag as requested.  They were unable to be removed as the gun was stuck together.

Smith and Wesson - I had a model 686 .357 magnum which had a chipped firing pin bushing.  They returned the revolver on their dime and replaced the bushing in less than a week.

Henry Firearms - Knowing I was not the original owner of the gun, they returned my AR-7 Survival Rifle on their dime and had it back to me in under a week.  I had offered to pay for replacement parts.  They insisted I sent it back. 

Mouser Electronics - Prompt shipping, good product visibility on their website.  Additionally, they upgraded my shipping from ground to 2 day air for no good reason over a weekend once just for the sake of it. 

Stew Mac - Very fast shipping, lots of free infomation on their website, items are as described or have good user reviews which allow both the good and bad to exist (as in they don't remove the negative comments - you know, being honest), competitive pricing, many guitar specific and exclusive products. 

The SHIT list:

Guitar Parts Plus - Short shipped me for under 10$ in parts - but didn't respond to 2 emails or a phone call.  Will never order from them again. 

Futurlec - Held my order for over a month with no notification.  When they finally told me why the order was delayed (a backorder), they asked that I pay additional shipping above what I had already paid.  I cancelled the entire order.  They refunded me all but 15$ and change.  I asked for the remainder to be refunded.  They said all of my money had been refunded.  This is of course in addition to the 7$ currency conversion fee I was charged by the bank because they didn't charge me in American money (which I think is the root of the entire problem). A week later and a claim with my bank and I was at least reimbursed the 15$ and change.  Will never order from them again. 

EMG Pickups - Zero response to an aftermarket support problem.  Potted electronics make troubleshooting absolutely impossible as well.  Will absolutely never deal with them or install one of their products in anything for anybody for any amount of money again.

Scored a Fender Jag-Stang

I received a pretty good coupon from Sam Ash a few weeks back.  It was good on new AND used gear! 

I went to the local store and checked out their used inventory.  I didn't really see anything and was about to leave when I spotted a Fender Jag-Stang in Fiesta Red on the wall toward a corner.  How had I missed that with my first pass!? 

I used to have a Jag-Stang years ago.  Honestly, I hated it.  I didn't understand it.  I tinkered with it and more or less screwed it up.  Finally frustrated with it, I gave it away to a friend. 

Now being older (and hopefully a little wiser), I decided to play it and embrace it for what it is (an incomplete concept guitar). 

Firstly, I plugged into a nice tube amp.  I only own tube amps now.  I didn't own any tube amps when I owned my original Jag-Stang.  It sounded surprisingly good!  I really love the out of phase single coil neck pickup with the bridge pickup on.  It gives the guitar a unique voice!  But each pickup also sounded pretty good on its own.  I'm not sure if they are the same pickups as the older Jag-Stangs but I was happy.  I wish I would have known better when I was younger (read that as stupider).  I had replaced the pickups in the guitar thinking it was going to make the guitar into something better. 

I also didn't understand the floating bridge.  Now, having owned a Jazzmaster for some time, I not only understand it but love it!  It is why the Jazzmaster is capable of returning to pitch when you use the whammy bar.  The entire bridge moves back and forth so the strings don't bind on the saddles. 

Two things the guitar was missing when I bought it were the correct knobs and the whammy bar. 

I purchased the whammy bar and re-educated myself on american fine spline split shaft knobs versus metric coarse spline knobs. 

Ordering the knobs wasn't as easy as it should have been as I was short shipped on my first order.  That reminds me to put together a list of companies I have dealt with and had positive experience as well as a shit list for companies who have screwed me in some way. 

General Rant

I am currently working on a few amplifiers for a friend to clean out my work shop before I begin working on my own projects.

In the course of researching one of the amplifiers (trying to find schematics or any other repair notes that might be helpful), I came across a forum thread which really frustrated me.  I try and remember that forums are largely unmoderated and that everybody is entitled to their opinion.  I found this post a bit difficult to swallow.

A major boutique manufacturer of pedals and amps suggested that a good tech shouldn't need a schematic to repair an amplifier.

General misinformation on the web...What makes me different?  Nothing.  Take everything with a grain of salt.   Do your research and make your own conclusions.

Sometimes NOTHING is what's wrong!

Been working on a friend's VHT Two/Fifty/Two amplifier. 

The amplifier had been blowing the HT fuses immediately upon power up.  This occurred with or without the tubes in the amplifier. 

I was honestly kind of puzzled by the entire thing.  Both channels had the exact same symptoms.  While one channel might have had a set of filter caps go, I refused to believe that both channels had them go at the same time. 

I decided to email the VHT/Fryette and try and get some help. 

They were very friendly and explained that the fuses in the amplifier are purposely rated conservatively.  Most people do not experience a problem but some people with abnormal power conditions may.

They suggested replacing the .5 Amp fast blow fuses with .75 Amp fuses. 


So, I replaced the tubes and reassembled the amplifier.

The moral of the story is that sometimes there is nothing wrong.  Had I not contacted the company, I'd still be dickering about with the amplifier and never any closer to finding out the real problem.

Shooting update

I went shooting a couple of weeks ago.  The trip was cut short when the pin that holds my Ruger Mark III Competition Target model sight together started to work its way out of the sight.  It is generally held in place by the friction of the sight assembly.

This is the same gun that previously had a pin work itself out of the mainspring assembly which prevented the gun from being disassembled and required it to go back to Ruger for a replacement grip frame.

I decided not to take any chances and stakes not only the pin for the sight in place, but also the pins that are in the mainspring housing on both my Competition Target model and my Hunter model.

The Hunter model has given me absolutely no issue (with the exception of the Loaded Chamber Indicator getting clogged up and causing jams - removal of this part has since solved the problem for thousands of rounds without a single malfunction).

The real test however will be shooting the gun for a few hundred rounds and seeing that everything doesn't go flying apart.

I have read posts from people in the past which talk about how some people never take apart their Ruger Mark III pistols or even some other guns and just spray cleaner inside of them and blow them out with compressed air.

I think it is really important to take apart any firearm that is in regular use and inspect for any worn or damaged parts.

While at the shooting range, I also spotted a new (well new to me) Ruger 10/22 Takedown model.  I used to have one of those Henry AR-7 survival rifles and while the concept was really solid, I felt like the rifle was made to be cheap.

Henry is a great company!  Don't get me wrong.  They stand by their product and I have had excellent customer service interaction with them, but I just didn't like how cheap that rifle felt.

The 10/22 TD (as it will be henceforth referred) on the other hand looked like a real rifle and the best part is, it is compatible with a multitude of aftermarket parts for the normal 10/22.  Additionally, it accepts 25 round magazines!

I may have to look into getting one in the future, but I think I might have to thin the heard of Marlin .22 rifles I have first.

I also went to a gun show at the beginning of the month.  I picked up some cleaning patches and a plastic magazine for my Ruger Gunsite Scout rifle.  I'm starting to feel like a Ruger salesman.  At about half the price of the normal steel magazine, I felt it was a good deal.  I can't justify 70$ on a magazine!  Even 30$ seems a bit much.

I also looked at Ruger's 1911.  It looked nice and felt like it had some real heft to it, but I don't need another 1911.

Ruger sent me a survey which I have yet to complete.  It asked for gun suggestions.  Here are 2:
9mm Revolver - I know the idea is not new, but nobody (at least to my knowledge) is currently making an affordable and quality variant of this.  It'd be nice if it had a medium or large frame.  I am tired of all of these small frame revolvers.  Sure they have their place in self defense, but they are miserable to shoot for fun.

9mm 1911 - Again, I know this isn't an original idea, but all of the ones on the current market are quite expensive and I don't feel like they have the quality behind them that justifies their prices.

Anyway, the gunshow was a bit of a waste of time.  A lot of paranoids spouting off political agendas and people of questionable sanity (and hygiene) cheering them on.  I hate to say it, but these are the people that give gun owners a bad image.  No wonder I've been way more involved in the guitar lately.